
I grew up between the worlds of Alhambra, California, and South Los Angeles, deeply rooted in skateboard culture. I graduated from USC in 2012 and discovered my love for design in 2014 at General Assembly.

I’ve lived in Sydney, Australia and New York, and I’ve done a bit of everything – marketing, barbering, teaching math, and coaching skateboarding. These experiences have taught me the importance of truly understanding the people I work with and lead.

Human connection and relationships are at the heart of great design. Building community within teams is my specialty. I see creativity as a way to unite diverse perspectives and tackle ambiguous problems. I lead with empathy, promote inclusivity, and help teams unlock their creative potential.

When I’m not working, I make videos for my YouTube channel, Como Design Studio, to inspire the next generation of creatives. Cooking up a great meal and enjoying it with my people is heaven. Lao Tzu’s wisdom keeps me grounded. Design matters, but my real joy comes from helping people become who they aspire to be.

-Jeremi Dudu
